Mahipal Singh
Tandoori Specialist
Hailing from Uttarkand, Mahipal has been working with the tandoori oven for as long as he can remember. Honing his craft across northern India, he has mastered the age-old style of grilling passed down through generations.
Sheikh Jalauddin
North Indian Cuisine
Born and brought up in Kolkata, Jalauddin’s extensive knowledge of northern Indian cuisine has been accumulated through experience of cooking in restaurants throughout India from New Delhi in the North to Kerala in the South.
Johnson George
South Indian and Coastal Cuisine
Raised in the midst of spice plantations along the Malabar coast, Johnson has been familiar with fresh seafood for all his life. Soft-spoken by nature, he has perfected the art of marrying fiery and delicate Indian spices to create exemplary cuisine from South India.
Restaurant Manager
Manoj has been with us since 2002 and can trace his thorough knowledge of Indian cuisine to his childhood spent moving around India. Through every stage, Manoj takes the utmost care to ensure each guest receives the perfect dining experience.
jordy mandolil thampi
Bar Manager
Determined to commence the journey through Indian cuisine with creative cocktails that prepare you for sensory delight, Jordy is fearless in combining the exotic with the everyday to tantalize your palate with his creations.
Dhyanjith padmanaban
Floor Manager
Jith’s knowledge of Indian cuisine stems from having trained as a chef before bringing his skills from the kitchen to the dining table. A combination not often seen, he uses this strength to make certain each guest receives personalized service.